This Clontrac excavator flail head comes fitted with a Casappa hydraulic pump, NSK bearings, Hammer type flails, a Heavy duty rear roller and Breakback mechanism.
Requires a flow line, return line and a bleed line to release buildup of oil (ideally returned to the excavator but could be piped to a side oil tank or similar).
Quickattach can be modified or makings of an attach can be given to suit your excavator if you can provide us with the required dimensions.
Specific Standard Quick hitch can be made for all excavators if measurements provided for an additional; €200 (If Hitch is 35mm/40mm Pin ) or €300 (Hitches 45mm and up).
0.8 meter, 1 meter and 1.2 meter units available.
Clontrac Excavator Flail Head
Size 0.8m 1.0m 1.2m Oil Volume 60
Max Hydraulic Operating Pressure 250
Cassapa Pump Yes Yes Yes NSK Bearings Yes Yes Yes Flail Type Hamm' Hamm'
Hamm' Roller Rear Rear Rear Break Back Yes Yes Yes Number of Flails 6 8 10 Belt Driven Yes Yes Yes Weight 270Kg 290Kg 330Kg VAT Incl Incl Incl